Summer Camp for Grownups 2024

Shrine Mont 217 Shrine Mont Circle, Orkney Springs, VA, United States

Why should kids have all the fun? Many of us have found that the most lasting memories we have from childhood camp experiences are the relationships and connections that were forged in a unique setting while sharing new experiences together. With that in mind, the Summer Camp for Grown-Ups began at Shrine Mont in 2012 […]

Nurturing Those Who Nurture Others: A Retreat for Ministry Leaders

Time to Reconnect, Time to Relax Join us for a time of rest, rejuvenation, and re-learning how to be together. This retreat will provide opportunities for wellness (yoga, meditation and prayer, etc.), fellowship, and story-sharing. If you would like to lead a small group workshop or activity, please contact Heidi Kim, the Interim Canon for […]